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Welcome To The Exciting
Side Of Home Buying!
Is your home buying experience leaving you frustrated?
Have you ever heard anyone complain how exhausted they feel after buying a house?
Wish you had someone knowledgeable to explain the process in “real world details” for you before you go out there to buy your home?
Well, lucky you! Now you have just found that someone!
Buying a home can be a frustrating or an exciting experience. Here you will find some real estate professional insights to help you navigate the process: even if this is your first time home buying, you will sure keep your experience in the exciting side!
I am a professional real estate agent in Metro Atlanta, GA area and have facilitated countless transactions of houses and condos / town homes – from very affordable properties to the $1,5 million homes and everything in between.
I have been privileged to advise investors who, sometimes, buy multiple properties at once - so knowledge across the real estate spectrum is crucial to find the most valuable deals, negotiate the purchase and then successfully navigating the closings.
I am looking at real estate deals 364 days a year - except for Thanksgiving: I find property for my client. I search many different public and professional data - valuable sources of information about the properties my clients want to buy.
I search data about the properties, thoroughly analyze it and crunch numbers; discover similar properties to compare ("comps") in the same neighborhood -the closer and more recent - the more helpful they will be to estimate the value of the property you want buy.
Then I work with my fellow listing agents to bring a win-win agreement that will have all parties involved with a smile on their faces.
I accompany the inspectors to check if the property is in sound footing - we look the home from the ground up all the way to roof ...you can learn quite a bit about a home by accompaning these valuable professionals.
Home buying is a multidimensional occupation - there is always so much to do and learn: I consistently attend classes on the most wide variety of topics, so I can learn more and therefore bring more knowledge - and consistently - more value for my clients.
I work with house buying clients week in, week out so I know a thing or two about this fascinating subject – and I can ease your “frustration side” while expanding your “exciting factor!”
Relax! Your experience is about to become a whole lot easier – even if you have been through the home buying experience before or if this is your first time home buying:
Please let me show many of the dos and don’ts… Albeit, I have to readily admit, nobody will ever be able to show them all!
You’d better believe there is plenty of good sense information, easy to understand help within these pages - all drawn from working with real life real estate transactions!
Let me show you around! Then return whenever you have any subject you would like to revise further…
Feel free to fire me a question that I will gladly try dig up an answer for you: Hey, this old dog is open to learn a new trick too! I will answer as many questions - as time allows me.
…And please, don’t quit your job to dedicate yourself full-time to being
a “home buyer!” (You'd better believe that I have known people who have
done just that!) Just keep reading here and trust the real estate who is working with you...
By the way, if you still have not hired a real estate agent as yet, please put that in the top of your "to do list:" A real estate agent provides you with invaluable service and it will not cost any money - as we are paid a commission established by the seller - before - property is put in the market for sale.
Let's delve within these pages together and together let's find answers and ways to keep your search exciting and relaxed...
We can learn how to find the best home for you ...If you are in Georgia, maybe even find "the" home for you!
Learn the best way to finance your new home and - if you need it - learn how to apply for the various down payment assistance (DPA) which are available throughout the USA
...Or, perhaps, if you are a veteran we will learn - no matter where you currently live in this Great Nation - how and where to activate your DD214 and buy a nice home for you and your family ...with no money down!
There is so much to do and learn about buying a home within this site and I am brimming of excitement to give some guidance on this journey that will lead the purchase of what could well be the most valuable asset that you will acquire. In any instance it is still as substantial investment, no matter what!
I will share it all with you - without holding anything back - up to the last drop of my knowledge!
We can do it! Let's do it together! And ...cheers! To your new home!
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TABLE OF CONTENT: Come Dig Deeper!

- Home Buying Blog
- The Home Buying Blog keeps you up-to-date with all additions and change to homebuyers-hub.com Web site. To receive the very latest, please subscribe here!
- About Home Buying Process: Professional Examples, Tips, Check Lists
- About home buying process: It can be frustrating. These professional insights and steps will lower your stress and lead you to become a successful homebuyer
- Home Buying Disclosures: Seek Professional Advise Before You Buy A Home
- Home buying disclosures: seek professional advise from REALTORS ®, CPAs, or real estate lawyers before you buy a home
- Contact – Your most direct way to receive valuable home buying information
- Contact – Your most direct way to receive valuable home buying information, home financing, for first time home buyers and seasoned one. Professional real estate tips from home grants to check lists
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- Sitemap
- Home Buying Steps: Buying A House Without Going Crazy
- These home buying steps will get you moving forward. “Inside” tips from a real estate agent who deals with house buying on a daily basis.
- Home Buying Process: Professional Strategies To Buy Your House
- Home buying process: Strategies to buy your house. Read an agent’s professional playbook insights to a successful home buying.
- Good credit saves $1,000s and it can make or break the homebuyer’s purchase
- Good credit saves $1,000s and it can make or break the homebuyer’s purchase. Here’s some powerful info about home financing that will help buy your home and save money by attaining the lowest rates
- A Winning Home Buying Search Process
- Winning home buying search process: a real estate agent’s professional insights on proven process to buy your dream home. Successful house buying search process.
- Home Buying Commitment: Are You Ready For The Long Haul?
- Home buying commitment: Are You Ready For The Long Haul? House buying is a very long term undertaking: Be sure to read this agent’s warnings before you sign on the dotted line
- REALTOR Hire: A free service in the home buying market
- REALTOR Hire Process: A friend in the home buying market. Agents bring an array of knowledge that is difficult to match: And they work on commission paid by the seller. A Free service for you!
- Home Buying Comps: The Nitty-Gritty of Your new Home’s Worth
- Home buying comps: It is the Nitty-gritty of your new home’s value. Read these tips on how your new house compares to other recent sales in the same area and other important stats before you buy.
- Down Payment. Home Buying Assistance. Home Buying Grants
- Down payment assistance and grants are two pieces of your home buying steps that can put your foot inside your new home’s door. And they can be combined! Here’s how it can be done!
- Home Buying Financing: Your Most Critical Decision
- Home buying financing: Your most critical decision. Read some sound strategies from a real estate agent professional to make your house buying dream come true
- Home Buying Price: How To Avoid Hardship Down The Road
- Home buying price process: Don’t Be House Rich And Cash Poor. An agent’s professional tips on how to buy the best home and why going above your price point can risk loosing your house down the road.
- Home Buying Offer: A Proven Process To Secure Your New Home
- Home Buying Offer: A proven professional process that will assure the purchase of your new home!
- Home Buying Power: How Much House Can You Buy?
- Home buying power: Establish early how much house you can buy – then negotiate wisely and with strength.
- Home Loan Application: The steps to get you inside the home buying doors
- Home loan application: The steps to get financing for your new home. Professional insight that can safe you $1,000s and avoid lots of headaches. It is also excellent information for first time buyers
- Home Buying Location: Everything In Real Estate is a function of location.
- Home Buying Location: Everything In Real Estate is a function of location. “Choose it wisely” – A location can set prices worlds apart …your experience living there can be worlds apart as well!
- Credit check: The pulse of your house buying
- Credit check: The pulse of your house buying. Protect yourself and save money at same time. Here are some do’s and don’ts from a real estate agent who deals with it daily.
- Home Buying Credit Scores: Every Lender Wants to Know Yours
- Credit Scores: Every Lender Wants to Know Yours. FICO® score X-rays your paying abilities: Here is all the practical information for a convoluted yet vital subject that you will need.
- Your Free Credit Report: How To Get it ...And Why You should do it!
- How to get your home buying free credit report …And why you should do it! A real estate professional insights.
- Credit Application Process Holds the key to buying your new house.
- Credit Application holds the key to buying your new house. Here is some professional info to apply for home loan successfully. These advices can save you thousands of dollars.
- Ownership History: How you got the rights to own things
- Ownership History: An abridged version for quick reference on how this fundamental part of capitalism came to being. It affects your rights specially when applied to home buying
- Bundle of Rights: Home buying gives you rights you need to know.
- Bundle of Rights: Home buying gives you rights you need to know. Did you know that you could sell the air space above your home? More importantly – some people are willing to buy it. You’ll love it!
- Real Estate Deed affects your rights and your bottom line
- Real Estate Deed affects your rights and your bottom line. It is the vessel that carries your rights, so depending on what the deed says, some of those rights might be clipped. Read more insights here
- Real Estate Title: The Real McCoy of Ownership
- Real Estate Title: The Real McCoy of Ownership. There is much confusion between title and deed. Title is the very essence of what you acquire with your real estate property. Please read more here
- Liens can help you …or they can hurt you! Learn here how to navigate them!
- Liens can help you to secure a mortgage to buy a home or even a car, motorcycle or a boat…however they can hurt you like when the taxman puts one on your property! Find out why right here
- Liens To Watch: These liens can jeopardize your home or even loose it
- Liens to watch: These liens can jeopardize your home even loose it. This quick read page can help you to protect your home.
- Air Rights: Worth Millions In The Right Place
- Air Rights: Your very own slice of the sky. In the right place, it alone can be worth $1,000,000! This is how Donald Trump got started in making his first billion.
- Home Types: house, town home, condo or co-op which one will be for you?
- Home Types: detached home, town home and condominium or co-op ownership- which one is the one for you? Avoid some headaches: Take a minute to read these pro advices before your final decision
- Non-Subdivision Home: Enjoy Your Home With Less Neighborhood Regulation
- Non-subdivision home: enjoy your home with less neighborhood regulation. You have more say on what to do to home. But freedom comes with a price: you never know what can go up next to your home.
- Subdivision Homes: Restrictions May Apply
- Subdivision Homes: Restrictions May Apply
- Condominium: Your Own Slice of the Sky
- Condominium: You really can dictate what goes on inside your walls but it can be a care free life style - no more cutting grass all weekend, or cleaning the pool in a hot August sun before jumping in
- Co-op ownership: The most selective group of neighbors you can have, here is how
- Co-op ownership: Selective and tight restrictions on who will live there - even the wealth and famous can be turned down. And no explanation will be issued, but for many that is exactly the attraction
- Town Home: Not a detached house, not a condo - The best of both worlds
- Town Home: Not a detached house, not a condo - The best of both worlds. Popular since ancient Rome, its future looks bright indeed. Professional, clear, meaningful advice and tips about home buying
- HOA: enforceable regulations, shared neighborhood life style, valuable community
- HOA provides residents with shared neighborhood life style, decreased maintenance responsibility of common areas, along with enforcing regulations to create a valuable community to live
- HOA Assessment Power: Make No mistake - The Target Is Your Wallet
- HOA Assessment: The Target Is Your Wallet. Once assessment is established it is the law, it has to be paid. Homebuyers should ask if there is an assessment being contemplated – it can save you $1,000s
- HOA Dues: Are You Curious Of What Your Money Will Get You?
- HOA Dues: Are you curious of what your money will get you? There is a lot of misinformation that you need to sort out. Here are professional, clear, meaningful advice and tips about home buying.
- HOA and leasing: A careful dance, because they not always go hand-in-hand
- HOA and leasing not always go hand-in-hand. Check the HOA restrictions before you buy. However real estate investment can bring you a steady income and someone else to pay your mortgage.
- HOA Foreclosure Powers: $800 can take your home away
- HOA Foreclosure Powers: $800 can take your home away. It is a Financial risk for any homeowners. Sadly this is not something they teach you at school - not even college: And how devasting it can be.
- HOA Foreclosures: Little Known Facts That Can Take Your Home In A Heart Beat
- HOA Foreclosures: Can HOA Foreclose My Home? Here Are Little Known Facts That Can Take Your Home From You In A Heart Beat. Read Here And Be Well Informed, Before You Put Your Home In Jeopardy
- HOA cannot discriminate! It is the law of the land!
- HOA cannot discriminate! It is the law of the land! Fair housing laws have a slow evolution starting in 1866 and were solidified a century later in the 1960, 70’s and 80’s: No discrimination allowed.
- HOA Enforcement Powers: Are you opting in to be regulated?
- HOA Enforcement Powers: Are you opting in to be regulated? Read the CC&Rs before you buy. Don’t be caught by surprise if you sue the HOA, it is almost certain that you will lose.
- HOA tips: Real World Home Buying Insights That Can Save You Lots Of Headaches
- HOA tips and suggestions that can make your living under a common interest development a whole lot easier. Real world home buying insights that can save you lots of headaches
- Home Buying Grants: Tens Of Thousands Of Free Dollars Towards Your Down Payment
- Home Buying Grants: Thousands of free dollars towards your down payment. It can be $100,000 waiting for you. Here is where to check your eligibility, how you can apply and much more.
- How To Apply for Home Grants
- How to apply for home grants: Answers and Details that will help you get some DPA money right where you live. They may vary from estate to estate but most must know details are here.
- Home Grants Examples: Case studies of people who got close to $100,000. You can
- Home Grants Examples – Two case studies from people who attained close to $100,000 in grant funds towards the purchase of their homes. It is free money! It works! You also can do it too. Here is how!
- Home Grants List: A state-by-state list of agencies with free money
- Home Grants List: A State-by-state list government agencies with free money to help buy your home. They target first-time buyers and professions like firefights, teacher, nurses, law enforcement
- Georgia Home Grants: How About $100,000 Of Free Money For Your Down Payment?
- Georgia home grants: Down payment assistance, grants. It can be $100,000 of free money waiting for you all over Georgia. Here is where to verify if you are eligible where you can apply and much more.
- Home Grants Requirements: How To Hit Home Runs For YOUR Own Home
- Home Grants Requirements, home grants application, down payment application, dpa application
- Repayable Home Grants: A Cash Boost You Should Not Pass Up
- Repayable Home Grants give you a big cash boost to buy your first home – you should not pass up. The culprit is that, it eventually will have to be repaid …but only if and when you sell the house
- Non-Repayable Home Grants: Boost Your Buying Power, No Need To Repay
- Non-Repayable Home Grants Boost Your Home Buying And You Do Not Pay Back After They Phase Out. Available In All 50 States and Territories: There is a home grant waiting for you in an agency near by
- Gwinnett Neighborhood Stabilization Program: $14/$22K To 1st Time Homebuyers
- Gwinnett Neighborhood Stabilization Program Gives $14/$22K to low/moderate income homebuyers. Gwinnett NSP accepts 30 years FHA and VA loans and homebuyers need to contribute only 1% down payment
- Federal home grants: This time Uncle Sam has some money for you.
- Federal home Grants: This time Uncle Sam has some money for you. How’s that for a change? Thousands of free dollars in down payment assistance: Would you qualify? Read more here!
- How To Obtain Home Buying Grants (On Your Neck Of The Woods)
- How To Obtain Home Buying Grants (On Your Neck Of The Woods) Several Steps To Guide To Right Place No Matter Where You Live In The United States
- Buy Vs Rent: Here Are The Many Pros With Some Cons
- Buy Vs Rent – here are the many pros with some cons. Homebuyers create wealth organically with many tax breaks. Rent if you will move in less than five years and you do not pay for major repairs
- Buy Vs Rent Pros And Cons
- Buy Vs Rent Pros And Cons: Check here the few times that renting makes sense as well as the massive advantages of being a homeowner
- Buy Vs Rent Cash Outlay Chart Analyses how rent costs much more than buy a home
- Buy Vs Rent Cash Outlay Chart: Renters Pay Landlord’s Mortgage and Then Some. This page analyses how rent costs much more than buy a home. The chart shows how you should keep more of your money
- Buy Vs Rent Building Wealth Through Paying Your Mortgage, Not your rent
- Buy Vs rent building wealth through paying your mortgage, not your rent. Mortgage payments return to you via tax deduction of the interest and accumulation of the principal. Rent never returns to you!
- Buy Vs Rent Creating Wealth Organically …For You Or… For Your Landlord
- Buy Vs Rent Creating Wealth Organically …for you or… for your landlord. Renters increase landlord’s equity while homebuyers accumulate wealth with each mortgage payment plus various tax deductions
- Buy Vs Rent Tax Advantages: A Practical Guide For Renters and Homebuyers
- Buy Vs Rent Tax Advantages: This is a concise and practical guide for renters and homebuyers with the ways tax code can save money to homebuyers and shows the precious renters can
- Buy Vs Rent Paying Landlord Mortgage, Or Building Wealth For You
- Buy Vs Rent paying landlord mortgage …Or building wealth for you? That’s the question. Your cash outlay will amount to a small fortune for you…or it will pay your landlord’s mortgage
- Buy Vs Rent A New Beginning
- Buy vs rent a new beginning – examples of how to fire your landlord and start building wealth …for YOU!
- Mortgage: Origin and Practical Aspects Of Financing Your Home
- Mortgage: A brief history of its origin and practical aspects of financing as well as the best home loans you can attain.
- FHA Mortgage Loans: Buy Your Dream Home With 3.5% Down Payment
- FHA Mortgage Loans: FHA is an insurance organism NOT a mortgage loan institution. However with FHA insurance, lenders will allow you Buy Your Dream Home With 3.5% Down Payment
- Mortgage Types That You More Likely Will Encounter
- Mortgage types you mostly will encounter are Conventional, FHA, and VA loans: Traditional loans less likely to cause headaches. There are also ARM and hard money loans but watch for trouble
- Mortgage monthly payments are very important to show much house you can buy
- Mortgage monthly payments are very important piece of information for you to compute in your calculation of how much house you can buy. Check here and find out the payments of your new house
- Best Mortgages: Home Loans Are Wonderful Gateways Into Ownership
- Best mortgages are those of 30 years fix rates – among them you should look for conventional mortgage if you can put at least 20% down payment, FHA loans, VA backed financing (if you are a veteran)
- Mortgage Insurance is required if you finance 80% or more of home purchase price
- Mortgage Insurance is required if you finance 80% or more of the purchase price or loan to value whichever is lower. MI can be cancelled when pay 20% of a conventional loan or 78% or 5 years of FHA
- Foreclosed Homes present many opportunities …and Challenges
- Foreclosed Homes present many opportunities …and Challenges: Prices can be lower but they require lots of repairs. Good buys can be found if you learn to avoid the pitfalls and headaches
- VA Mortgage Loans: A Thank You From The Nation To Those Who Served Honorably
- VA mortgage loans, military mortgage loans, veteran housing, home buying, VA loans
- VA entitlement is the amount VA guarantees to eligible veterans to buy a home
- VA entitlement is a amount VA guarantees to eligible veterans to buy or build a home. The base is $36,000. Lenders multiply it by 4X and you can borrow $144,000. But in many counties it can go higher
- VA Maximum Loan Amount Varies From County to County From $144,000 to $1,094,625
- VA maximum loan amount vary from county to county from $144,000 to $1,094,625. It is little known that VA mortgage guarantee is NOT the same to all counties. Please check here how it can impact you
- VA maximum loan list. Complete list of counties where VA mortgages are higher
- VA maximum loan list a complete compilation of counties where VA mortgages are higher. With a VA loan guarantee you can buy a home priced from $144K to a whopping $1,094,625 in Nantucket County, MA
- VA Loans Eligibility Details You Need To Know To Secure You VA Mortgage Loan
- VA loans eligibility is not always a straight shot to understand it. Here you will find lots of hard to find clear facts as well as other very useful resources where to get your benefits
- VA Regional Loan Centers - Where You Can Get Help With Your VA Mortgage Loan
- VA Regional Loan Centers: Where you can to get help with your VA mortgage loan. Here you have all the info you need to get your VA home loan: Region served, mailing address, website and hotline
- VA loans Vs market: rules are like any of the civilian folks have to meet
- VA loans Vs market: VA loans are almost always a sure shot but rules are the same for the civilian folks. Requirements like credit scores, income-debt ratio and the house appraisal must be met
- Calling The IRS …And Talking With A ‘Real Person’
- Calling the IRS is NOT the easiest thing you can do. But here is one of the hottest tips I can provide - it took me many dead end trials to find these numbers and talk with a real person in the IRS
- IRS Transcripts: How To Get Your Them And Other Income Tax Account Information
- IRS Transcripts: Along with your credit report, it is important to check your IRS files for last 2 or 3 years. Here’s how to get them. Do correct any discrepancies before start your homebuying process
- Taxpayer Advocate – Your Allied To Resolve Issues With The IRS …Quickly!
- Taxpayer Advocate: Your Allied To Resolve Issues With The IRS: Quickly! If you ever feel that you have been harmed in any form by the actions of the IRS call the office of the advocate for help
- Gwinnett County Homes For Sale: Daily List Of Homes For Sale In Gwinnett County
- Gwinnett County Homes For Sale: Your connection to daily updated list of homes for sale In Gwinnett County. Important links to Gwinnett Co services
- Best Website Host: SBI Is Second To None
- Best Website Host: SBI is second to none. SBI offers many (dozens) all inclusive tools – each worth the regular fee of hosting alone. Here are some examples of tools you will not get from other hosts

JC Fagundes, Head Broker
Residential. Commercial. Investments.
Ph: 404 801 4141